Freedom, Privacy, Good Will….Rest NOT IN PEACE!

As I notice this day, the last day in 2015, a long suppressed uncontrolled sigh raises it’s voice in my chest and throat, a moan…or a small and weak wail.

Freedom – gone, if you care to look.  I heard it put as “the Freedom to NOT choose.”  That’s presupposing we have any choice of action left to us that won’t turn us into targets for any number of hideous Fascists, all with the power of so called legitimate use of “fatal force”, with inroads into every nook and cranny of our private places, and it’s exponentially worse if you are a Female and or Black, Brown or “un-christian” in any perceivable manner.

Do Not Rest In Peace, O FREEDOM who sounds your call with every living heart beat!  Rage, Rage!  Rage against this prison in which you are caught!

Privacy, dear sweet Privacy, you are my restorer, you are my Secret Garden where I breathe clean sweet smelling air, read stories that remind me of more things than technology and tell my Beloveds of my hopes and wishes, knowing within this secret we share a power builds by which to fulfill our mutual hopes and wishes together. This power grows in the  privacy of hearts and minds. Privacy, the Gold of Good Will, only within this sanctified state of being can any human become intimate with another. That special smile our Beloveds hold for us and us for them, may  never cross our faces again in this era of Full Eclipse of the Heart.

Do Not Rest in Darkness, O Privacy, mine!  Hide not in the earth or under rocks abandoned by the very enforcers criminalizing the living for Profit!  BLINK NOT, eye of my Mind and Heart, do not fear the end of yourself, for that end has already been bought by the Fascists and indeed you are trapped…yet the rocks themselves will take up our Holy call for the privacy of Soul, Mind and Body – Every voice will sing,  Angels will speak and all that is revealed will be as nothing to hearts that have held true to themselves and their Beloveds….

And now, Good Will….so many we have buried, and with each one, a great amount of Goodness lost in graves….so much so even in this USofA we shoot people dead for knocking on our doors for help.  Blood for Blood, and now everyone is bloodied….there may never be an end of it, but we certainly can be assured of an end to us if we cannot lay down blood feuds, by whatever name they come calling. One cannot have Good Will and take seriously a task of “murder” as an acceptable act of humanity.  It’s simple, our hearts, minds and souls are keen, tuned in to Truth, so hungry for it in fact that we will make up one rather than accept one we don’t like…We want PEACE and FREEDOM that springs from PRIVACY  and we want to offer and receive GOOD WILL!  We will live out our desires within our own homes and community, and a truth not as great as ones to come, but far superior than those that have over come us will be forged as we lay down those sweet things that have been so very fouled, our Freedom, our Privacy and our Good Will and choose for ourselves how much Truth we are willing to accept, and from whom!

Thus as a ridiculously insane year is finally spent like the full metal jacket it was, let it never rest, let it’s revelations be just the beginning of a truly Brave New World!

Wishing you Peace in sleep, Freedom to Love, Privacy for Butterfly kisses and my own Good Will to you and all you Love!

“nobody” on the Isle of Cyclopes



3 thoughts on “Freedom, Privacy, Good Will….Rest NOT IN PEACE!

  1. JD the world is changing for the worse. Those with voices are being picked off one by one as governments consider them too dangerous to the status quo. Excellent and eloquent post. Thank you. Happy New Year!


    1. Indeed it has, my Dear Angela, our lives reflect it in every way….we must hold on to our Compassion for one another and NEVER GIVE UP! ….or as Tavis Smiley says…”Keep the Faith!”. Thank you! And a better New Year as we ask discernment for what we CAN change and find the serenity to accept and remove those things we cannot.


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