AN AMERICAN GIRL – Poetry Offering for July 4th, 2014

American GirlIt’s better.

It doesn’t hurt so much to see it now.

It is better…

as it waves– hello– goodbye.

Moving… always in motion,

here… where the incessant wind blows.

It will never mean all it once did to me

when it was hurled high, unfurling as it rose.

I, standing at attention, my little hand raised in salute.

My heart racing, silently screaming,

“I’m free, see, I’m free!

It is better,

constantly moving on the wind.

My heart aches less at the shame we’ve allowed;

as the one time symbol of my and the world’s

personal freedom, hope and pride dances with the wind.

Changed; I now know that only a People

can make a little girl’s heart move

to salute and cry out, “See my Flag?! See?! I’m Free! I’m FREE!”

Only a People who are not blown by any wind…

Only a People ever vigilant of little girls’ freedoms…..

Now I know, that little girls’ freedoms are blown away

by the winds of Fascism,

as in all times past…

Copyright 2008/14 by JD Adam
All rights retained by Author. An American Girl may be freely copied and freely distributed without request as long as this copyright notice remains in place.