Please, allow me to interpret…

Dear Reader,

This is offered to you “after the events”, it’s the only way it makes sense without a thousand pages  I don’t want to write!  It’s my thinking in a Global nightmare ever- present in wakefulness and dream.  We are walking within our “collective conscious and unconscious” …there be monsters here!  Release your judgement, Be kind; for we’re all afraid and battle weary and I don’t know why we have to be?  Do you?


These are the facts I’ve gleaned with the history I’ve lived.  We only can reason well with Peace and Love guiding us, sometimes we discover that Peace and Love have been usurped.

Place: the USA, another Federal Presidential election  That’s the circumstance.  It’s volatile.  As an American I feel the weight of my full-life membership in this Country, in the wonderful life I thought I was living; my spring-board for discovery of all things in all places made possible by being a United States Citizen.  No Citizens have enjoyed Freedom and Prosperity as well since Roman Citizenry.  I have always thought to be proud of that and act in accordance in representing such a noble Land.

I and you have been only slow boiled Lobsters. The establishments of Society’s systems have allowed a Democratic Political Process to boil us alive.

The feigned and real distractions of pondering a new Century and the marvelous progress in technology and Democracy became fertile soil sowed into fruiting  Nationalism. An 8 Billion Dollar Fake National and Local News Campaign implemented by the Bush/Cheney Cartel.  The financiers are rumored the paymasters loot from stolen Nazi gold, in other words deep pockets!  Introducing an agenda of power over us  through a shadow system of the ruling élite families paying premium to legitimize a Supreme Court of the United States’ Presidential Appointment.  An act so far outside that Court’s purview it still makes me shiver!  But we “bought it”!  Didn’t we?  Y2K! Voila!

The Neocons New War Order mongers took over D.C. and everything else from school boards to Governors in each State.  The New Age Right gave us the Neocon New War Order at a crux in history of their own making.  Choreographing  their own 21st Century American Reichstag; The attack of September 11th, 2001. New York, Pennsylvania and the Pentagon… with Baby George sitting in an elementary class, a whisper in his ear bringing little response, at least from an American President. Holding a children’s book upside down?? Or was that another photo-op gone wrong?

The Turn of the 20th Century brought us a picture of the Soul of the ruling élite of America….Jim CrowOur own “Turn of The 21st Century” brought us the American Fascist Coup.

The People of the World began to boil like Lobsters in the pot.  And our United States became deeper and deeper entrenched in propaganda and censorship.   The Supreme Court of the United States gave us a riveting distraction and kept “us Rabble” unswervingly in “our places”.  After all, that won’t be too difficult with all the Propaganda and censorship (Fake news, etc.) creating another passion of the ‘mindless Rabble‘, a sense of  “Nationalism”.  By our nodding of semi consent (or our heads in prayer) the Supreme Court was obeyed. By the power of their august positions and Our brain-washed admiration. Certainly Gore’s anyway.  He walked away though he won the Country’s majority vote. The Supreme Court threw out the sacred goal of the Constitution, threw out the Holy Spirit of Men’s Self Rule.

That’s my experience as a cognitive Adult American.  What the above and volumes more accomplished was implementing Fascism within the United States Government calling it ‘THE PATRIOT ACT’… creating a new and powerful trajectory of descent into a Totalitarian Corporate/Fascist State.  The Patriot Act being the ‘Engagement Announcements’ (to those who could interpret the language) of the Presidency, Congress, Neocon Capitalist Fascists and the highest Seat of Justice in the World for Americans, the United States Supreme Court.  The Supreme Court continued to thank the Bush/Cheney mob, the ‘far seeing US Congress’ and the Capitalist Totalitarians by granting them greater freedoms than any other Citizens in America! In depraved indifference of We The People, all Three Branches of our Government; Judicial, Executive and Congressional, failed us and our Constitution and immediately went into hyper drive implementing the now legal will of our new Corporate Citizens’ Bottom Lines.  They gave us a President who finally sold the entire Country commercial “health care”… Insurance! for God’s sake!  By the way, anyone notice that insurance is not health care?   Imagine that!  I mean, yes I’d give a little chuckle on The Hill when they all got together jabbering about their shoe size or “the Rabble”, especially.  One joke never got a chuckle from this working class person…”they want to cover maternity and work injuries through insurance companies?  LOL  We make it law they have to buy it!  Then everyone will have it! Done!” And that was the 70’s, my Friends.   Between Citizens United and Global Corporate Trade Cartels…..Corporations are legally and literally the ONLY CITIZENS OF ANY AUTHORITY LEFT IN AMERICA!

I expect argument over that statement, abused children will go to any length to protect their abusive ‘Care’ Giver. We need to think about that in ourselves and others, be compassionate.  Still, I suspect everyone on the Planet is living in some Totalitarian engineered society built on lies leaving us all on some level of awareness we are in Denial of the Truth.  The Truth being what we are not told and not allowed to question in the face of what we know and value as righteous Americans!

We’d best start ‘QUESTIONING AUTHORITY’ again.  Everyone’s, and most importantly, our Own Authority needs some attention, don’t you think?

There are so many damn boundaries now, we can’t take a step without stomping on what somebody else thinks is their own.

My Aunt Jane said it best.  I had some time with her in Houston before she died.  On her death bead she said “…the only things that matter in life is God and Family.  Mine, yours, ours…



JD Adam

I’d like to think Jefferson would have approved, my observations if not my writing!

copyright 2/5/18  all rights reserved…I’ll get around to the fancy stuff later, editing wears me out!  Yes, I edited it until I can’t see any more, okay then! My poetry is better, it’s a lot easier, anyway!  Come back next time.  I’ve a doozy of a guest Poet’s work coming in!  …later.  🙂





Maybe now this will make more sense…Presidential Elections…The Lie of American Democracy…

Thank you for stopping in….

I began working on this some time ago…  as a Poet, I am very sensitive to Language and the use of Words; Poetry demands an honesty not often found in Prose, therefore I find myself naturally uncomfortable with this style of writing.  However, it is ultimately clear in this unending trauma of American Political Torture Seasons that some education still must be disseminated.  So I step out once again, and revise this piece until it has all the truth that I am able to set before you, it includes my opinions based on my study, observation, value system and intimate professional experience of the nature of individuals in the Halls of Power and those which parade themselves to our displeasure, hope, hate, and mostly fear every Federal Election Cycle.  This is a Birthday present to you, who have supported me on Social Media (Twitter) for these past years of a forced internment due to illness.  Be kind, for this is my kindness in turn…

Prose to me is like whittling … you start with a great piece of wood and pull out your pocket knife, bounce the blade off the wood a few times and decide this is a Bear…you start whittlin’ and discover you got yourself a Polecat instead!  Here’s my ‘Polecat’.  …it kinda speaks for itself….

There is a fundamental deal breaker for Democracy under the current United States Constitution.  Okay, there’s a lot… and they all speak to the fact that Democracy is not even close to being fulfilled in the United States.  WeThePeople do not elect the President or Vice President…the Electoral College consisting of a majority vote of only 270 electors appoints their winners.  Perhaps the Supreme Court will stay out of it now their Mob Bosses are the same and their godfather is dead. It’s important we keep in mind we must accept a President and Vice President from a single political party.  We get a choice of nothing.  In our despair we steel ourselves for the next onslaught of Political horrors by our ruling Monsters.  Our vote is used as proof positive we are Democratic and Politicians were elected Democratically!  We have discovered that absolutely none of this is true.  All we can see, if we looked up, are politicians, attorneys and the Corporate Fascist Elite, again and again destroying all for fiat currency and some megalomaniacal sense of  ‘pride in ownership’ of everything.  Some of our forefathers were indeed sincere in this impossible dream of Democratic Self Governance, the rest were just rich or wannabee failed white male aristocrats afraid of us rabble.  Jefferson knew that half measures avail men nothing and he made it clear that you and I would know that too, in time. Jefferson put his egalitarian dream in our hands and in our generations to make the appropriate changes required toward a More Perfect Union; unto and expressly through Revolution.

It’s time to throw away the half measures by men of the past and present and begin a full fledged dive into DEMOCRACY! Revolt, don’t keep vomiting out your disgust and revulsion on everyone, direct it. The Politicians did this.  WeThePeople get a team of 2 mediocre minds of the same ideology… say we believe our votes count, we still can’t ‘un-know’ the fact that they don’t.  Ever in obedience to the commandment for peaceful transitions of power, we bow down again, more from shame and exhaustion than even fear of the coming pain.  Best WeThePeople can hope for is the Electoral College votes are in line with our Human Citizens’ penny votes…knowing no matter what, the pain will come, if not for you, for someone you know.  This said,  understand that ‘majority wisdom’ is non-existent on the Federal political stage as anything other than fuel for Propaganda as is obvious by this process.  Nor is our Majority Wisdom considered in most, if any, of these actual communities of power.  We get who they want, exclusively; and they get us to take the blame and pay for the privileged! Forgive me my humor, but that is actually very very funny! LOL kinda of funny.  Think about it.  Even fools can laugh at themselves.

Recall the “More Perfect Union”? Remember that “Great Experiment”? NO?! As I’ve long feared, none of us have been appropriately vigilant towards a more Perfect Union, let alone bringing about full Direct Democracy within the United States Government under this Constitution. The lack of ratification of the ERA is a single humiliating FACT that stands as indictment of every Federal and  State Legislator sworn into Office since 1923!  Yes, including the States who did ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, as they gained political kudos without giving anything of real value to Americans as a People in return. It is of great interest to me  that in one fell swoop, also known as the American coup d’état,  the Supreme Court sold we Human Citizens of the United States as a ‘Lot of Slaves’ to Corporate Fascists with  ‘Citizens United’.  Who knew their activism was so virulent? With non-human billion, trillion dollars being our newest Immigrant Citizens…Voilà, Fascism stands as the last coffin-nail in this Great Experiment! Reverent appreciation to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg for courageously holding the line for application of the “Spirit” of the Law, not only the “Letter”.

There are no known American politicians we can trust…even if they appear and speak to our pain as “trustworthy today”, walking thru the Presidential veil into Power under Fascist Corporate Control eliminates their ability to fight from within. Orwell taught us that and experience has proved this is a fundamental human condition screaming  ‘Spiritual and Moral Danger’!

The foundation of Leaders has been the same since 1443 B.C. culminating in strategy with “Saul killed his thousands, David his 10s of  Thousands” between 1025 B.C. and 965 B.C. (The story begins in 1 Samuel 8, Torah & Bible).  And so remains the requirement of leading people who desire to be led by vanquishing those who do not.  All one must do is assassinate their rivals then kill and feed their armies from the spoils of the murdered. Such is the fate of all Peoples to this day, willing and especially unwilling.

Fascism is now the accepted and expected form of Governing within this system of complete Institutionalized Corruption….frankly People, we need to get off our high horses. There are European Nations who hold Direct Democratic elections, and the contenders take their places according to the votes the People cast, and still, with the boot of American Capitalists on their necks with their own US Military War Machine, they too have lost their hard-won battle against Fascism.  Americans systemically want to believe what IS cannot be “here” so we haven’t even tried!

Politicians have taught us well by using the Koch brothers influence to “re-educate” Americans from pre-School through University.  Such are the politicians and Justices sucking on the Corporate-Sugar-tit.  This corrupted government uses our pseudo votes to continue to legitimize the Ruling Elite’s Global War Crimes in your name and mine. These Fascists show contemptuous disregard for Human Citizens as they and their mob bosses laugh about some odd 47% percent of us they reckon won’t be left after their global culling of our Species.

Americans know who has the will and weapons to murder us and it’s not who the propagandists focus our attention upon. They have us at each others throats; like Forbes Fighting Cocks …light entertainment for their wealthy readers. You should have seen their first article some years back about a holiday for Elite Graduates vacationing in the Philippines enjoying the ‘exotic sport’ of Cock Fighting (without gloves)! Police Departments, State/ Federal Government agencies and their minions take every opportunity to murder us.  They shoot dead our children as they walk on their own streets; even you, as we ask you for help at your front door! We carry signs of compassion crying out for mercy and peace and are killed, maimed and imprisoned.  We are criminalized as terrorists…under Fascist legislation! This is how Politicians respond to our families, friends and communities devastated of vital resources with legalized Death Squads targeting our children.  Politicians did this!

On the Main Streets of the USA to the desserts of far away lands, WeThePeople intuit they will kill as many of us as they please, any where, any time in any manner they please.  I assure you, with breakneck speed and ‘for our own ‘safety’, they will lock the rest of us up in  US Corporate Prisons.  America likes to “go for the Gold” you know; like the largest prisoner population on Planet Earth! Why am I not proud of that?!  In dungeons, even fools find no humor! Corporate Prison Citizens need to be constantly fed and guaranteed full occupancy paid for with our taxes and our children’s bodies. Very soon they’ll keep our own retirement funds [Social Security] to pay themselves. We’ll be lucky to afford the one meal a day most can, while working for our jailers at a few pennies a day. Bread, water and forced shelter – no release date. Remember folks, we are deeply ingrained into this Fascism.  Look what we do to people coming via our Southern Border, can we really expect better, now that WeThePeople don’t count at all? Have you noticed the quickening of planned dismantling of our most needed resources, like food, water, medicine etc.? We do hold the blame, yet the politicians did this all the while  protesting duress because of a Treaty they gleefully signed!  By the act of our vote, ruling elites usurp Humanity’s right to itself along with our right and access to Life, Liberty and our own Trust Funds; all without having to count WeThePeoples’ vote!  Remember We don’t vote for the Executive Branch….come to think of it, we don’t vote for Justices either….this is what we must face.

Our personal and common properties bear all the wealth of a Country and a whole People.  All of this Wealth, including what you drive and what you live in is transferred to Corporate Citizens under vicious trade agreements.  Everything we need to survive for more than three days they legislate the rights to themselves.  How can we stand against such a behemoth as never we saw before? They hide behind Fascist Freedom named legislation or hide their theft in reams of a big Bill never read.  They kill us with our own money; and everybody else, too.  We all share our collective karma for the murder and horror that has encapsulated the Globe… Never forget, we couldn’t have pulled this catastrophe off without our  Corporate-Sugar-tit-sucking Politicians!

Finally, for me, it’s NO CONFIDENCE…never mind the “Candidate”.  There’s only 3 ways to live w/systemic corruption; as a slave, as a minion, or as the ENEMY of Corruption. Here is an empiric truth we ignore as it is only measured in “remembered experience’…You can never cooperate with Corruption…only fall victim to it.

In all of this research and personal experience I have now come to the only honest thing I can do to honour myself, my generations and you; cast a Vote of No Confidence! My Second most honest vote will be for Anonymous.  There is only one way we can show each other, the world, and our Politicians that their insanity ends now.  I refuse to be defiled again by their obscene and decadent Political Theatre. I will not throw my vote away on Politicians, no matter the Billions spent by Billionaire Gamblers all over the world!  We can and must bring down the most powerful Pillar of Corporate and Political Fascism the world has ever seen.  We’re clever, we exported Democracy around the World, we all know that Democracy only exists when a human citizen casts a vote at the Ballot Box and it is legitimately counted.

Why do we continue to tolerate this Half-life Democracy in the United States? Why do we pay for the Politicians and Corporate Citizens making murderous fortunes on our Good Names?  Like I said, we don’t get a vote for the Leaders of the Free World, it could have no other outcome but what we are  experiencing….Jefferson knew this. What Jefferson didn’t know, is just how evil this empire would become…do WeThePeople hate ourselves more than we do our corrupted Political System?  Is this the end of our Great Experiment, or with a new Constitution in hand, is this the beginning?


Just think about it….what, my dearest Fellow American, is your very first primitive responses to the word and sound of “politician”? … There, you have your answer.

Respectfully and compassionately,


on the Isle of Cyclopes


I submit the following:

Poet’s Lament

How does a Poet write their Poems?  This day, this time…

when before  all Poets could sing of the beauty and purity of our Manifest God?        That is no more………

No more can we write words of truth that always were… like

The Ocean is your God-self; it remains for-ever undefiled.” (Khalil Gabran, THE PROPHET)

What but tragedy can the Poet extol in this time…

now the Oceans are spoiled? …our god-selves nearly extinguished with sounds and poisons… plastics and CO2 changing Life to acid?

My Oceans, my Oceans, you alone have held my tearful torrents!                                    Now I’ve not a tear to help you heal!

We’ve decided to dance no more….

allowing the rich to pillage the world we and our ancestors bore…

with breakneck speed killing ALL for …..MORE…!

….Or have we?…….forgotten how to Dance?


Copyright 5/4/15 by JD Adam

All copyrights retained by  JD Adam. For re-use: Two (2) Requirements: (1) Respect me by respecting my Copyright request (just copy and paste) and (2) don’t charge money for it, if it’s of intellectual use to you, it’s yours, with my gratitude, give it as freely as I have to you.  I will note that given 3 months and countless edits, I now understand that no one would write Op-eds just for a living; even the 1% couldn’t monetarily afford the time and passion that has brought this piece to you.







“When most people ‘hit a brick wall’, they turn left, Poets turn Write.” ‘Nobody’, living on the Isle of Cyclops

For so long a time, years now, Pain has been My Closest Companion.
I’ve not been able to “Fight” Pain; or Pray, Cry or Demand it to “Be Gone!”
Finally! I’ve Accepted it for this moment, and the next….
as my Closest and most Faithful Companion.

I Could Banish Pain. I Would Banish it, even the Cause of it!
…I we’ve become Friends of Necessity.
Comrades of Suffering, Ever Present with one another.

Do you think me Insane to accept such a “Terrible Alliance”?
No, I am not. Not any longer, now I’ve given up the Fruitless Battle.

You see, there is much Goodness that could End my Pain and it’s Cause.
Yet, Woe am I to live in a Society where Only the Rich can Own and Claim such Goodness….. For Themselves…

….and They only Share on a Whim of Self Gratification called PROFIT.


A Poet

“An enslaved human, on behalf of their Enslaver asks, “Is it LEGAL?”                                     A Free Human with Natural Compassionate response  to Suffering asks, “Is it RIGHT!?”  Anonymous; paraphrased by ‘Nobody’ living on the Isle of Cyclops

Pol Pot and Hitler – The Fools Who Shape History

Link directly to this article in: “disorderedworld” Knowledge That Can Change the World here:



Pol Pot and Hitler – The Fools Who Shape History.

“The story of Warsaw and Phnom Penh is not simply a tale of two cities. It is potentially the fate of every city on earth.”

AN AMERICAN GIRL – Poetry Offering for July 4th, 2014

American GirlIt’s better.

It doesn’t hurt so much to see it now.

It is better…

as it waves– hello– goodbye.

Moving… always in motion,

here… where the incessant wind blows.

It will never mean all it once did to me

when it was hurled high, unfurling as it rose.

I, standing at attention, my little hand raised in salute.

My heart racing, silently screaming,

“I’m free, see, I’m free!

It is better,

constantly moving on the wind.

My heart aches less at the shame we’ve allowed;

as the one time symbol of my and the world’s

personal freedom, hope and pride dances with the wind.

Changed; I now know that only a People

can make a little girl’s heart move

to salute and cry out, “See my Flag?! See?! I’m Free! I’m FREE!”

Only a People who are not blown by any wind…

Only a People ever vigilant of little girls’ freedoms…..

Now I know, that little girls’ freedoms are blown away

by the winds of Fascism,

as in all times past…

Copyright 2008/14 by JD Adam
All rights retained by Author. An American Girl may be freely copied and freely distributed without request as long as this copyright notice remains in place.

A letter of explanation on U.S. “Politics” to Friends in other Lands

English: Antonin Scalia, Associate Justice of ...
English: Antonin Scalia, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I’ll share here what I said to my friends….
First, Friends, we had a coup in our Government implemented by the United States Supreme Court during the Presidential election of 2000.
Vice President Al Gore was running for the Office of President. George W. Bush was running on the Republican “ticket”. Bush, as you remember, was an “Oil Man” whose family‘s privilege traced back to a goodly amount of “Nazi” gold, via the Walker family, so he enjoyed an inherited position as a member of what we call here, the 1%. We define the 1% as approximately two thousand individuals on the Planet (and four to six hundred here in the U.S.) that own up to 99% of, and control the work and property of all the Peoples of the World.
Many of you are seasoned Fascist Fighters. Clearly, we didn’t recognize them when they spawned in our own politics.
For the first time in American History, the Supreme Court of the United States of America stopped a full and accurate counting of our votes. In so doing they found themselves justified to install the looser, George W. Bush, as America’s President.
Frankly, if it wasn’t for rare independent media like Democracy Now covering stories like this and Wikileaks, Chelsea Manning and the Iraq war video; with Glenn Greenwald reporting on Edward Snowden’s disclosures on the NSA spying web, we wouldn’t know much about anything. But we did notice when we lost our right to choose……
The shock was beginning to wear off quickly with Bush in office. He was a fool in speech and action, vacationing (clearing shrub from his “ranch”) most of the time. Bible thumping Racists began to act crazy, and the hard right-wing “Tea Party” burst loudly upon our propagandized Political stage.   We had not seen this type of vitriol since the Civil Rights Movement. They are fundamentalist in everything from Religion to philosophy and science! Jim Crow, John Birch (the Koch Brother’s influence, their Father co-founded the John Birch Society) and the Klu Klux Klan all rolled up into one “movement”. They are not very well learned, even those who have academic credentials proved the effort was wasted on them. After all, the President the 1% gave us was a Harvard grad.
We were also dealing with an out of control media blitz by the 1% Bush Cheney camp. Just to give you some idea, Bush Cheney authorized over eight* billion dollars in campaign advertising which was translated as fake “News” Broadcasts all over the country for an extended period of time. We still see this pattern in our local news broadcasts everywhere.
So I come to that which galvanized America in fear and anger and secured every American Citizen as “Victim”. We all know it well, and just as I have, some of you have lost loved ones by terror. The financial center of the world, the Twin Towers in New York City, was hit by suicide pilots with innocent passengers aboard two commercial flights. One of three attacks launched that day, September 11, 2001. We forgot all about our own home-grown Fascists thumping their Bibles wrapped in our Flag. They were already in the White House and we didn’t know a remedy, nor would we ever be allowed one as our esteemed Democrats took impeachment “off the table”!
We found ourselves helpless in the face of billions of 1% dollars with complete control over all public media. We were stampeded like Buffalo over the cliff by their “Global War on Terror”. Suddenly, instead of working with other Countries, We The People were used as fodder in the Administration’s power grab behind the insane “Axis of Evil” and Iraq’s “WMD” contrivances. (Yes, some of us knew these were lies.) And it’s all gone to literal Hell from there.
In any case you know the rest as well if not better than any American. Suffice to say that the Coup de grace came with the Supreme Court’s 2010 proclamation introducing us to our newest American Citizen Brothers; the Multi-National Corporations. The 1% as Giuseppe, with carefully sculpted Corporate Pinocchios presented to us as cuddly Velveteen Rabbits to be cherished into living entities… “It’s alive! It’s alive!” cried Frankenstein (The Supreme Court) in triumph! We REALLY noticed that one!
Our new “fellow Citizen Corporations” owned the media, took ownership of our Commons and control of everything from local School Boards to Congress; they are the Supreme Court, they are above the Law, and they are holding us hostage. You did hear we had a Government shutdown? ……. this is a cry for help, can somebody hear us?, we are not what you see on TV, we are people like you and our Democracy is crumbling from beneath us every day!!!……………. Oh, sorry about that, I got carried away…..
If you wonder at my leaving out all the craziness around the legitimate majority vote with mandate for Barack Obama as our President in 2008 and 2012, the Government shut down should be final example enough that the Fascist Right will allow We The People no further rights to our Government. It is my opinion if we don’t get some help we will not see a democratically elected President in our Nation any time soon again.
Anyway, I’m tired now. I hate this history, but it looks like we must clean up the past now before we can actually move forward. Americans will re-discover what binds us as a People, and we will stand in solidarity with one another again. But not as long as Corporations are considered living Citizens and Democracy remains One Dollar, One Vote. For they have decimated our wealth and re-written our laws to disenfranchise Human Citizens from the Democratic process. Each day more such laws are being passed in almost every State in our Union. Those who refuse to stay home and not vote are legally murdered in the streets by gun toting racists; yes, even in our own homes by a militarized police force. You already know that the NSA is collecting all digital information about each one of us, and you.
This is our sad, sad story, and we are sorry to have let you down, they tied our hands with our own wealth. Our elected officials yet have no stomach to stand in the face of 9/11, left without courage or reason to protect that which is most cherished by the people who once voted them in; our Constitution, our Democracy!
Your sad and weary Friend in the U.S.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg Quoted by digby

Re-Posted from HULLABALOO


RuthBaderGinsburg (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



Tuesday, June 25, 2013


QOTD: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg

by digby


Official portrait of Supreme Court Justice Rut...
Official portrait of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Congress approached the 2006 reauthorization of the VRA
with great care and seriousness. The same cannot be said of the Court’s
opinion today. The Court makes no genuine attempt to engage with the
massive legislative record that Congress assembled. Instead, it relies
on increases in voter registration and turnout as if that were the whole
story. See supra, at 18–19. Without even identifying a standard of
, the Court dismissively brushes off arguments based on “data from
the record,” and declines to enter the “debat[e about] what [the]
record shows” … One would expect more from an opinion striking at the
heart of the Nation’s signal piece of civil-rights legislation.”
