ALERTALERT! Avert a Tragic Loss – Developers Seeking our Local Honey Farm –

ALERT! Avert a Tragic Loss – Developers Seeking our Local Honey Farm –

This appeared in our Next Door feed, in South Napa County- a very at risk Corporate greed community, most EIR’s and other requirements are waived and we are loosing grocery stores but have a full sized Walmart who sued to get in… oh, and a new very Gentry style Farmer’s Market that’s quite high priced….lots of working poor and olders like me on minimal SS….County just increased our sales tax even though we voted down the Corporate Prison they wanted to build with it. But the Bees, well YOU KNOW WHAT BEES DO! We can’t let them be destroyed. Mr Marshall’s Bee Farm has educated children and adults throughout the years and supplied all the surrounding community with wonderful delicious honey plus the propagation of our own home and community gardens! Which we are attempting to form a co-op to make sure everyone here is fed.

Thank you for any attention you pay to this situation.  You can tweet me with your knowledge, wisdom and suggestions and even hands on help, or dm your email or a request for mine and I will contact you; also you may write Mr. Marshall, his address appears below in Marc’s post…we are babies at this, but the Bees deserve our every effort, they’ve ever given us theirs!!!…Thanks again!

JD Adam

Marc North from Cookie Hill

The purpose of my post is let folks that have genuine interest and commitment to preserving an ecological and agricultural gem in southern Napa County (west side of Highway 29 in American Canyon). I speak of Marshall’s (Honey) – Beehive Farm.

My hope in getting this word out to as many people as I can is to avert a tragic loss.

Spencer Marshall, now in his 70s, is seeking to retire after 40-plus years harvesting honey from his bees. His vision is to sell this farm to someone or an entity that is committed to the continuation of raising bees and the production of honey integrated with other based endeavors that are respectful and mindful of the natural, ecological system that currently exists on the 4.5 acres.

As you know, the world-wide bee population is being decimated at an alarming rate due to a myriad of ecological threats that is impacting agricultural production and environmental health. Local bees are crucial.

Spencer Marshall wishes to retire and needs to sell the farm. Asian real estate speculators as well as local developers are seeking to obtain his property, raze the farm in order to build apartments, condos, thereby further encasing the land in more concrete and steel. He has received a number of offers, but is holding out for a purchaser that shares his vision, which is to preserve the farm. His experienced bee keepers / farmers are committed to remaining on.

With Spencer Marshall’s permission and urging, I am getting the word out to those that are interested in averting a tragic loss and make known the opportunity to invest in the preservation of this land, the crucial bee hive(s) population, the honey production, and the ecological system that thrives at this location.

Quite frankly, he told me that he just doesn’t have the network to reach potential philanthropic resources, investors, or organizations that would be interested in securing this as a working honey farm site and place of education as he has and does.

Spencer welcomes direct contact from those that are interested in purchasing this parcel that share his vision.

Spencer Marshall can be reached at his farm, 159 Lombard Rd., American Canyon,

I pray that there is some way to see this vision through to fruition and not let it fall into the hands of real estate developers that see this strictly as a location of land for financial exploitation by building on it.

I hope there is a partnership that might be discovered somewhere and soon, forged between investors and farmers.

Best regards,

Marc N.

Shared with Cookie Hill + 14 nearby neighborhoods in General

Posted by JD Adam

find me at  @1jdadam

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